We do a lot of walking and standing throughout the day. Without proper support for our feet and ankles, this can put a lot of strain on the rest of our body. Not everyone is made the same, and shoes aren’t always designed to support every foot. Custom orthotics are insoles that fit inside your shoes to help reduce strain and improve comfort. When used properly, they could even help avoid the need for surgery in some cases.
When to Consider Custom Orthotics
Proper support is always best for the health of your entire body. While orthotics are often used for long-term issues, they could also benefit short-term problems as well. If you have trouble walking, experience pain, or have a foot disorder, it may be time to consult with a podiatrist to see if custom insoles are right for you.
An improper step can lead to pain in various areas of your body. You’re most likely to experience pain in your feet, ankles, knees, and lower back when your feet aren’t properly supported. There are various issues that can cause pain, but custom orthotics could help. By providing the right support and a cushioned step, orthotics often reduce the strain on your body when walking or standing. Many patients report a reduction in pain after using their new insoles.
Foot Disorders
Certain foot disorders can cause issues for your whole body. Flat feet, for example, can make it difficult or even painful to walk. Bunions can also make it hard to stand or walk for extended periods of time. Getting a custom insert from a podiatrist could help alleviate these issues. In some instances, such as with flat feet, insoles may replace the need for surgery. In others, such as with bunions, they can help manage symptoms until you are able to get treatment.
Arthritis is most commonly known for its damage to wrists, but many people also suffer from arthritis in the ankles. Dealing with pain and weakness caused by arthritis can make everyday life difficult. Custom orthotics, along with other medications and treatments, could help reduce pain and improve your walking and standing capabilities.
Custom inserts are also a great way to help recover from foot and ankle injuries. The more pressure on your feet when standing and walking, the longer it can take to properly heal. Using orthotics allows you to maintain regular activities without increasing the risk of re-injury. By taking time to care for your feet today, you can protect them from further harm in the future.
Where to Get Custom Orthotics
At Newtown Foot and Ankle Specialists, we’re dedicated to helping our patients protect their feet and ankles. If you struggle with walking or standing, we are here to help. Our custom inserts are designed to cover a wide range of issues. Call us today at 215.234.3772 to schedule a consultation and see if custom orthotics are right for you.