You may be familiar with the common pins-and-needles sensation of your foot or arm falling asleep. This feeling usually resolves itself quickly without needing treatment from your doctor. This condition occurs less frequently in your toes, but does it point to a medical concern?
Whether the numb feeling in your toes is chronic or occurs during acute scenarios, it can be useful to learn about what this symptom means for your overall health. Newtown Foot and Ankle Specialists, a podiatrist practice located near Washington Crossing, PA, provides more information about what toe numbness could signify.
What Causes the Numb Sensation?
The root cause for toe numbness occurs usually due to two systemic concerns. Nerve issues or problems with blood supply to the area can lead to this symptom.
If the signal from the nerves in your toes to your brain is interrupted, you may lose sensation in the area. Similarly, this sensation can occur if the blood flow to your toes is blocked for some reason.
A common reason for either of these concerns is wearing footwear that is too tight. Choosing larger-sized shoes can alleviate many toe problems, including chronic numbness.
Is Toe Numbness Normal?
This sensation can feel uncomfortable, but toe numbness might not signify a larger medical issue. If the numbness is caused by ill-fitting shoes or a toe injury, the symptom is usually normal and can heal on its own.
However, chronic toe numbness that does not appear to stem from a known acute concern may point to underlying health issues like diabetes, blood disorders, or other illnesses. You should contact your doctor if toe numbness is accompanied by other systemic symptoms.
What Treatment Can I Expect?
Treatment for toe numbness can depend on the causation of the symptom. A toe injury that causes a numb sensation in the area can usually be resolved once the injury is healed.
If toe numbness is a symptom of an underlying illness, you will likely need to treat this condition to alleviate the numbness. Your podiatrist can offer additional guidance to manage this sensation.
Talk to a Podiatrist in Washington Crossing, PA
Newtown Foot and Ankle Specialists are a qualified podiatrist team serving patients near Washington Crossing, PA. If you notice pain, numbness, or other abnormalities in your toes, feet, or ankles, call one of our experts. To schedule an appointment with us, contact our office online or reach us by phone at 215.234.3772.